
Hope Delivery Campaign
Started in 2006, Hope Delivery Campaign is a
donation program unique to Shinsegae Group,
in which all Shinsegae Group executives and
employees voluntarily participate in donations,
and the company donated in the way of ‘Matching
Grant’ as much as employees’ donation amount.
Focused on helping children, the hope of future,
the donation is used for
sponsorship for
underprivileged children and for
the treatment of childhood patients.
Participation Rate of
in The Hope Delivery
Campaign and
The Fund Raised

Hope Project
Shinsegae International continues to practice
sharing management actively by conducting social
contribution activities
through the Hope Project
Campaign. The Hope Project, which is promoted
under 3 different themes of 'Raising Hope’,
‘Fulfilling Hope’, and ‘Continuing Hope’, meaning
"We raise, fulfill and continue the hope".
The project practices warm-hearted sharing for
the underprivileged through various activities
such as
employee volunteer work, clothing and
goods donation, and one-on-one company
social corporate sponsorship,
etc. In particular, we are trying to provide more practical support
to children of low-income families
in the community.
Raising Hope
We support children's birthday parties, cultural
experience outings, and remodeling environment
to develop children’s dream and hope based on
a partnership with Community Child Center through
Food for the Hungry International and employees’ volunteer activities. -
Fulfilling Hope
Shinsegae International is focusing on donating
clothes and goods for children of low-income
families by taking advantage of the nature of
lifestyle company producing and distributing
fashion and household items. Since 2012 when
we signed an agreement with the Food for
the Hungry International, we have promoted
'Make Hope Gift Box' to deliver gift boxes
containing school supplies, furniture, and winter
protection items made by employees
themselves to children at Community Child Center
under the Food for the Hungry International. -
Continuing Hope
Shinsegae International organize various volunteer
activities for employees to participate to continue
sharing hope, which employees began with
‘Hope Project’, to the local community and children
in Korea and overseas. We made about 3,000
sets of crayons made with 20,000 of our brand's
lipsticks to be expired soon and delivered to
Child Fund Korea for the use of training aids.

Shinsegae International is involved in various
other social services
to fulfill
a corporate social responsibility.
Blood Drive of Love
We practice warm-hearted sharing with society
by proceeding Blood Drive of Love twice a year
(first and second half of the year). -
Seoul Forest Care
for All EmployeesSince Shinsegae International signed a ‘Park
Care Agreement’ with Seoul Forest in 2012, we have
made an effort to foster the park environment.
Employees visit Seoul Forest in person and
participate in various environmental cleanup
activities such as planting, weeding, seedling
planting, and repairing facilities.