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Our team devotes to inventing genuine products

Technology Innovation Center New Technology Development Team
Q.Tell us about the team.
We develop tools through devising concepts for new technologies and effective ingredients, and these tools enable customers to understand products easily and experience real effects for their skin. That is, we communicate with the brand team from the get-go to create appealing stories and effective ingredients for the products, and also provide a technological evidence that shores up our support, thereby contributing to their practicality. We also apply for a patent by developing an exclusive ingredient or even publish new research findings from the preceding research. Additionally, we are working on a joint research with external experts in order to bring in future technologies that have potential values and to make innovative products that lead cosmetic trends.
Q.How does your work relate to brand business and what are its effects?
Our team devotes to inventing genuine products that enable customers to experience their direct effects as well as appealing stories. We try to approach customers not with exaggerated products in terms of marketing but with the products that are highly-qualified in and out of itself, thereby presenting the products with more trustworthy and attractive qualities to the customers. As a result, we contribute to generating a positive image that SI products are safe and reliable, which leads to improving our brand recognition. We strive to further strengthen SI's corporate value and its competitiveness by securing exclusive intellectual properties such as technology patent, trademark rights, academic thesis, and so forth.
Q.Tell us about the work style of your team.
Our work style is very flexible. While we conduct our research individually on the assigned products and tasks, we do give each other feedbacks actively on our mutual performance to bring the desired results. We could say in a word, "Separate but Together" to describe our team. Communications are perfectly fine since our members have a lot in common owing to similar tendencies (college of science, engineering). We all feel strong responsibility for the work and this makes us fulfill each of our roles in a flexible working environment.
Q.What is the daily work routine you make efforts to for keeping up with the work?
• I check information of new products from major brands every morning before starting my day at work.
• I steadily work on improving expertise by studying dermal structure or associated mechanisms with academic research and references, and also try to read market trends through scanning new products.
• To make a devised source look appealing, creating their own story and keyword is essential. So in order to get insights and improve expertise I try to look for related publications and attend seminars.
• I make efforts to raise capabilities of technical support and skills for presiding over open innovation by participating in domestic/global corporate meetings, seminars, and education.
• I make business calls in English on a regular basis to facilitate communication with leading global partners when executing a joint project.
Q.What is it to be a "good team" for you?
We believe a good team has no hurdles in sharing ideas. When the team needs to come up with various ideas, hierarchical or coercive environment can disrupt creativity to its members. In this respect, 'New Technology Development Team' has a decent working environment because it guarantees an independent and equal culture.
Q.What it means for 'New Technology Development Team' to be part of SI Technology Innovation Centre?
Technology Innovation Centre acts as a bridgehead for SI to elevate itself to leading corporation in cosmetic industry. It is TIC that enables us to acquire technological competence by developing exclusive SI technologies and remedies, and also to provide customers with unique values that differ from rival products in the market. Also, it secures the legitimacy for SI not to merely follow market trends but to pursue a global leading corporation.
Q.Is there anything you want to say for those who want to apply for your team?
It would be very helpful to be an independent person who can find and organize your own work.
Considering the line of work, individuals get to work alone most of the time compared to other teams,
so if you are able to seek tasks of your own, and make your own way by managing schedules and plans,
I believe you will feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction at work.
Not to mention that communication skills and mediation competence are also important requisites for successful mutual relationships.
Q.Is there any nickname that tells your team well?
Apparently, we heard that 'New Technology Development Team' is a Dasan-call center in SI. We felt great with such nickname as it gives us a feeling that the team is not just an independent, specialized division but a general center that is considered as an essential being for every SI member and gets to be first thought of when there's a difficulty.
Q.Which do you think the role of 'New Technology Development Team' is closer to: Specialist or Generalist?
When it comes to R&D organization, many would consider it as a specialist. However, our team also requires to have a sense of popularity because we work on finding out consumer language that helps us communicate with customers through products. Also, each current member performs versatile areas of work based on their expertise with majors and work experiences that all differ from each other. If you have an advanced expertise in a particular area, the team would put its heads together to make use of your specialty in a variety of ways. But on the other side if you need expertise which you are not well aware of, you can get external help to nurture your expert knowledge. We believe our team well matches with the word 'Versatilist' in that our team members are consisted of multi-players who have high level of expertise in versatile areas of work.