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Buyer who grows a brand with keeping its value

Casual & Accessory Team Han Na Lee
Q.Please introduce yourself and your current job
Hello. I am Hanna Lee, a buyer of UGG in Casual & Accessories Team 1 of Overseas Fashion Division. Currently, I am in charge of UGG product buying and operation.

Q.How did you start your job?
I started my career as a product MD with curiosity about the entire process from product planning to consumer purchase. While experiencing the entire merchandising process, I decided to strengthen my expertise in brand management, so I have been developing my career as a buyer and brand manager.
Q.When was the most rewarding moment in your job?
As a buyer, I feel the greatest sense of accomplishment when experiencing the growth of brand.
Q.What kind of efforts do you make to grow your expertise?
With interests in various trends in the fashion industry, I always try to think about how to apply the trends to brand.
Q.Do you have your own belief or philosophy as one thing that you are unshaken in?
My belief is to be a colleague who has a good influence that everyone wants to work with.
Q.Please describe what you would like to look like in the near future.
My goal is to become a brand manager with an expertise, and being a buyer who makes a brand to be loved and grow successfully by discovering good products and keeping its value.
Q.What does Shinsegae International mean to you?
A place full of talent!
Q.Can you recommend anything to prepare in advance to the applicants who are interested in your job?
It would be helpful to have product planning or sales MD experience in fashion brands and develop English skills for smooth communication with overseas brand partners.
Q.What is your favorite brand? And can you tell us why?
UGG. Not only it’s my brand in charge, but also its unique brand identity and superior products are distinctive from countless brands in the market.
Q.What do you think is the strong point of Shinsegae International?
The strengths of SI are its long-time expertise in overseas brand management, Shinsegae distribution power, and remarkable value as the No.1 fashion company in Korea.