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VOV designs trendy items aligning with
its unique identity

VOV Design Team Song Yeon Lee
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Q.Please introduce yourself and your current job
I am Song Yeon Lee, a chief designer of Trendy & Casual Design Center of VOV Design Team, Domestic Fashion Division. Currently, I am in charge of knit design at the VOV Design Team.
Q.When did you feel the greatest sense of accomplishment in your job?
I felt the greatest sense of accomplishment when my design was selected from the evaluation and made good results.
Q.What kind of efforts do you make to grow your expertise?
I make efforts to be a designer who is very susceptive to the trend, keeping track of trends. I make a clipping with all my hearts, searching Instagram and Pinterest every day.
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Q.Do you have your own belief or philosophy as one thing that you are unshaken in?
I want to be a man of ideas with enthusiasm. So, I want to be a person who does not forget the past, and personally I want to keep a positive vibe with happy life because the workload is quite heavy as a designer.
Q.What is your favorite brand? And can you tell us why?
Of course, my favorite SI brand is VOV.
I am always proud and grateful to work for my favorite brand. VOV designs trendy items aligning with its unique identity. I wish VOV to continue communicates with customers and grow into an excellent brand.
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Q.Please tell us about the culture of Shinsegae International, which you like the most
I respect executive director Young Joo Cha both professionally and personally. She always gives me a precise and detailed direction to help exercise creativity for the design.