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I would like to be a person who can be trusted predictably.

Business Management Team Ji Hyeon Yang
Q.Please introduce yourself and your current job.
Hello, I'm Ji Hyeon Yang from the Business Management Team in the Supporting division. Our team specializes in quantifying business performance, crafting plans, monitoring key metrics, and analyzing profit and loss to assist management decisions. Currently, my main focus is on overseeing overseas subsidiaries and global fashion brands. Some of these subsidiaries were acquired through mergers and acquisitions, so establishing effective profit and loss management guidelines is vital. Additionally, I'm involved in the exciting task of establishing a new subsidiary in the US, which provides opportunities to explore new areas and gain valuable experiences. In the global fashion sector, my responsibilities include managing brand performance, handling contract changes, and conducting profit and loss simulations for ongoing initiatives. As financial analysis and the interpretation of figures significantly influence decision-making, I approach this role with a strong sense of responsibility, conducting thorough financial analysis to support our decision-making process, both within our organization and in comparison to industry standards.
Q.How did you start your job?
During the training as a new employee, I realized that the business management team played an important role in supporting the company's decision-making, and it was a good place to learn and grow in that you can understand the overall business structure and analyze each brand from a profit-and-loss perspective.
Q.What was the most memorable project?
One memory that stands out the most for me is my experience with the Swiss subsidiary project. Collaborating with an exceptional team, I had a fantastic time, even though it often meant working late into the night. I encountered many tasks that were completely new to me, such as due diligence, status diagnosis, selecting consulting firms, and conducting legal and financial reviews for overseas investments during corporate reorganization. However, I view these challenges as opportunities for further growth, thanks to my competent team members. To this day, we continue to use the ERP system ‘SAP’ that we implemented during the project, which has been incredibly rewarding for our data management efforts.
Q.What kind of efforts do you make to grow your expertise?
It does not require a special effort, but I have made the manual for my work and updated them as needed. In the beginning, it was to learn fast and systemize the work, but I realized that it was helpful to think about how to improve the process as retracing the purpose of the work and its workflow. And I have a daily habit of prioritizing the day’s work to do on the note. I can use my time more effectively by writing down urgent tasks with the deadline, and the tasks I usually wanted to improve.
Q.Do you have your own belief or philosophy as one thing that you are unshaken in?
I don’t adhere to grandiose philosophies or beliefs, but I believe that living in the present is of utmost importance because each day makes our lives. By cherishing what we do now and building experiences, we can expand our horizons and take on new challenges.
A few years ago, an executive once said, ‘The person responsible for the job is the one who understands it best and can make it better.’ While it may sound natural, I took it to heart and started working with a sense of responsibility and confidence. I believe that improvements can stem from curiosity, observation, and genuine concerns, going beyond mere fragmented work.
Q.What does Shinsegae International mean to you?
Finding a single word to sum it up is a challenge. During my time at Shinsegae International, I've had the pleasure of meeting many people I'm grateful for, and I believe I'm still evolving because of them. Although I recognize there's a long journey ahead, when I observe the individuals around me, I'm filled with the belief that I'll become a significantly improved person both in my professional and personal life. As I reflect on my life a decade or two from now, I'm convinced that my tenure at SI will stand as the most significant chapter bookmarked in the book of my life.
Q.Can you recommend anything to prepare in advance to the applicants who are interested in your job?
It's essential not only to perform routine tasks like estimating performance, financial closing, and establishing business plans but also to take initiative by showing genuine interest in the work and understanding its significance rather than merely carrying out the work.
Q.Have you ever thought that joining Shinsegae International was a good thing to do?
I feel that joining Shinsegae International was a good thing to do when I meet good leaders, seniors, and colleagues.
Although I still need to improve a lot, I have been encouraged by the people who supported and helped me, and I also want to be a person who can give a good influence on someone who experiences hardships or challenges.
Q.Please tell us about the culture of Shinsegae International, which you like the most.
I think 9 to 5 working culture is the best. Having enough time to rest and recharge seems to help increase work concentration and productivity.
Q.Do you have any special hobby to keep work-life balance?
I enjoy wine tasting at home because I recently bought a wine cellar. Just looking at the wine in the wine cellar gives me a bit of healing, and drinking a glass of wine makes me feel good at the end of the day.